Friday, March 26, 2010

Grocery Shopping Week 4

I have nothing spectacular this week...there were no fabulous sales, so we ate a lot of frozen veggies this week. I also have no pictures because my husband took my battery charger to work to replace it and has not brought it back!! (He works in a electronics store) I'm feeling pretty good about my $20 weekly grocery budget experiment! I have one official week left to go, and I still have a pretty full freezer and pantry! I also have not touched all my bottle returns (Michigan .10 cent deposit) and there's probably another $17-18 sitting in my garage. I pretty much suck at remembering to take them back to the store. Ok, on to my totals:

Orchard Market:

2 gallons milk $2.50 each
- (2) $1.00 off store coupons
- (2) $.55 off Country Fresh milk manufacturer coupons from last Sunday's Smartsource

Coffee $3.15

2.47 lbs bananas $1.46

3 lbs carrots $2.79

Total spent $9.30


2 Oscar Mayer bacon $1.97 each
- (2) $1.50 off manufacturer coupon

Broccoli $1.32 (was .99 cents a lb)

Lumberjack bread $ .87

Total spent: $3.13

Dollar General:

2 bags animal crackers $1.25 each

1 box graham crackers $1.35

Total Spent: $3.85

Total Spent for Week 4: $16.28

Grocery budget left: $18.08
Total spent for the month: $89.91

Check out more great shopping trips at Money Saving Mom, I Heart Publix, The Frugal Freeloader, Southern Savers, Saving A Bundle, the Coupon Saving Game, and The Thrifty Mama!


  1. wow! i'm impressed, I have 5 kids and can't seem to get below $150 a week!

  2. Great job! $20 a week is tough, but you're making it work!

  3. $20 a week-Wow! Nicely Done! Thanks for linking!

  4. u rock that budget mama!
    i can do it i suppose but grrrrr the deals get me and i can't resist i need a wallet like you with cash only cause i cave with the card and buy too many unneccesary deals i think..... must control myself arg!
    ANYWAY u rock!

  5. Great to hear you are feeling good about the $20/wk budget!

    I'm like you on the bottle returns, they are forever sitting in my garage "ready to go". It's even worse in the winter months cause there is no way I want to stand out in the cold bottle return room!
